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How to create a personal brand step by step

"Managing a personal brand is not about egos, but rather about helping others in a unique way. In your own way. It's a personal mix of your talents, your skills, your values ​​and your specific goals. It's good to have a personal brand online. Even as an official with a guaranteed job for life"

A personal brand is the set of all your values, skills and experiences that define who you are, through this set of elements they define your identity, therefore, it is the way in which other people perceive you thanks to each action you take. out, communicate and transmit daily both in the online and offline environment.

The consolidation of the personal brand must be based on a branding strategy so that it is authentic and assertive in the way of transmitting your image and identity as a person, be it professionally or personally.

Defining yourself as a person is your priority

The first thing you must do to build your personal brand is define yourself as a person, for this you must honestly ask yourself the right questions.

Who are you? What are you passionate about? What do you have to offer the world?

You must also find what your differentiating value is, that is, this set of values, characteristics and abilities that make up you as a person. You must ask yourself and reflect as a person.

What are your personal values? What complementary skills do you have? What have you excelled in? What do people recognize in you?

Based on the previous questions, write your own story and recognize yourself. We invite you to make your own autograph, see your achievements and your difficulties and how you have overcome them. There you will more easily recognize your values, your abilities and all your personal and professional growth.

Getting inspired is the next step, since you are clear about your entire career, now it is time for you to define your future. Before beginning to trace your future, we invite you to ask yourself where you would like to go, what are your references and to define it, we recommend answering the following questions...

Who do you admire? What does that person you admire do? Why do you admire that person? What are the 5 elements that you would like to imitate from that person?

The time to plan has arrived!

Once you are clear about your identity, your story and gathered all your skills, it is time to put everything on paper and define a strategy for your personal brand. For this follow this step by step.

The first thing you should do is define a strategy, to start with this strategy, start by investigating what appears in Google on your name, so you will realize how positioned you are in search engines and who with your same name are positioned. You can start playing with your name, using your last name, middle name or initial.

The next step is to define your goals, these must be based on your dreams and passions. For this step we recommend creating a dream map with an expiration date to execute them. These should be SMART, these stand for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Then comes the time to define functional objectives, these are due to the services offered, here we will also define the emotional benefits to offer your community, this is due to your network of people, all those you know, or those to whom you want to communicate your person and your message based on your identity, which is unrepeatable and authentic.

How will you serve those you wish to help?

Yes, we are talking about helping, it is time to put yourself at the service of society, to go for a greater objective, for this you are alive and for a reason you were born, to leave your mark on this world.

For this reason, it is time to define the services to choose, which you offer as a person, with your values, your identity and your authentic personality. Remember each person has their own story, based on their personality, environment, culture and accumulated experiences.

Define your service catalog, based on these skills combined with your passions. For this you should ask yourself the following questions:

What is your favorite thing to do? How to create personal brand step by step?

(for this, stay connected with our community) and what is the service or product that gives you the most profitability?

Then you must define who you want to communicate to, those people whom you want to impact and change their reality by providing your support and inspiration. For this you must get to know them, ask yourself what they like and investigate, find out where they are and how you should communicate to create an assertive connection that generates security and trust.

In conclusion, this whole process is a process of self-knowledge, self-reflection and creative exploration that goes from the inside out. It is not an easy path, it is a path of confrontation with yourself and your reality, to find your own authenticity and therefore forge a path that will lead you to know yourself and to make yourself known as a valuable and important being in the world, offering hope to around you to build a better world, with prevalent solutions that no one could do like you, because you are UNIQUE.


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